Loans Origination
Loans Origination
- Flexible Loan Products & Payment Terms
- BSP compliant, EIR, Truth in Lending
- Aging & Reclassification
- Loan Inquiry / Net-to Close/ Payments, Adjustments
- Collection Module
- Restructuring
- Interest Income recognition (accrual/ cash)
Loans Management
Loans Management
- Flexible Loan Products & Payment Terms
- BSP compliant, EIR, Truth in Lending
- Aging & Reclassification
- Loan Inquiry / Net-to Close/ Payments, Adjustments
- Collection Module
- Restructuring
- Interest Income recognition (accrual/ cash)
Loans Collections
Loans Collections
- Loan Collections Bucketing
- Record Promise to Pay with categorization
- Pro-active Collections based on Risk Behavior
- Browser based and can accomodate outsourced agencies
- Integration to Call Dialers
Customer 360
Customer 360
- Specific data/information for individual and corporate customers
- Total Customer relationship banking
- Approved credit facility- credit line, single borrower’s limit for borrowing customers
- Business References such as depository bank, creditors, suppliers, customers for borrowing customers
- Centralized Information
Credit Score & Policy Deviation
Credit Score & Policy Deviation
- Auto compute risk scores from external provided models
- Pessimistic, Optimistic, Policy driven thresholds
- Apply Policy Deviations
- Parameterized build up of Scoring and Policy Deviation Rules